Voting begins for representatives and state meeting members

November 4, Kathmandu. Voting has began at the moment throughout the nation to elect representatives and provincial meeting members for the subsequent 5 years.

The voters who reached the polling station and stood in line earlier than the polling began, began voting from 7 o’clock. Voting will proceed until 5 pm.

2412 candidates from all around the nation are competing for 165 seats on either side. In which there are 1545 occasion and 867 impartial candidates.

Similarly, 3224 candidates are competing for the provincial meeting. Out of them, 2130 candidates belong to the occasion and 1094 are impartial candidates.

This time there are 1 crore 79 lakh 88 thousand 570 thousand voters throughout the nation together with 91 lakh 40 thousand 806 males, 88 lakh 47 thousand 579 girls and 185 others.

There are 22,227 polling stations in 10,892 polling stations throughout the nation.

141 momentary polling stations have been designated for election workers, safety personnel, prisons and previous age properties. 2 lakh 46 thousand 960 workers have been deployed within the election.

The Election Commission has appealed to vote with confidence because the safety system of the election has been tightened.

74 thousand 849 safety personnel of Nepal Army, 71 thousand 693 of Nepal Police, 35 thousand 116 of Armed Police Force, 1 thousand 821 safety personnel of National Investigation Department have been deployed for election safety. Similarly, 115,000 policemen who have been recruited for the election are additionally deployed for safety.