Three-day meals donation program at DAV

Kathmandu. A 3-day meals donation program has been’ alt=” style=’display:inline;’>’ alt=” style=’display:inline;’>’ alt=” style=’display:inline;’>’ alt=” style=’display:inline;’>’ alt=” style=’display:inline;’>’ alt=” style=’display:inline;’>carried out in DAV faculty. Students, academics and workers participated in this system named Super Bowl Food Donation.

In this system which was carried out from twenty eighth, twenty ninth and thirtieth of October, Mother Teresa Social Service Club gave varied recommendations on making the scholars conscious of human duty. The faculty has been organizing such a program each two years.

The individuals in this system donated various kinds of meals. The faculty knowledgeable that the collected meals grains have been handed over to Mary Ward School in Jhamsikhel and Luvhu in Lalitpur, Horyak Nepal in Kirtipur, Manjushree Elderly Home, Dolahiti and Ashray Nepal.

Similarly, the college knowledgeable that meals was handed over to the homeowners of Mudita Sevagriha at Mahalakshmisthan in Lalipur, The Orphan Homes at Tikhidewal and Amaghar at Ravibhav.