The younger man who attacked Rajoy in 2015, arrested for attacking a journalist from La Voz de Galicia with a knife

The younger man who in December 2015 attacked the then President of the Government, the favored Mariano Rajoy, on a avenue in Pontevedra has attacked a journalist from La Voz de Galicia this Friday after breaking into the newsroom that this newspaper has within the metropolis of Lérez.

According to ‘La Voz de Galicia’, the younger man entered the newsroom and attacked the journalist Alfredo López Penide with a knife, who suffered accidents to his hand and chest. An ambulance took him to the Montecelo Hospital to be handled.

The writer of the assault broke into the newsroom that the newspaper has on Rosalía de Castro avenue on Friday morning, the place, based on La Voz de Galicia, he started to hit computer systems and different gadgets on the premises with a rolling pin. In addition to the assaulted journalist, an individual from the administration was on the scene.

After being alerted, the police subdued the assailant, who put up resistance. Once arrested, he was transferred to the CHOP Psychiatry Unit.

Attack on Mariano Rajoy

The arrested man, who’s now 25 years previous, attacked the then Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, in December 2015, whom he approached to ask for a photograph whereas he was strolling via the middle of Pontevedra on the event of the electoral marketing campaign. For this purpose, he was sentenced by the Pontevedra juvenile courtroom to 2 years of internment in a closed regime because the writer of an assault crime.

In addition, in 2019 he was arrested for beating a Vox chief and, in 2020, the National Police arrested him for having assaulted a consumer in a bar in Ourense. For these information he was tried this week, accepting the sentence agreed by the events.
