The PP accuses the Government of “hiding” the discontinuous landlines and guarantees to alter the accounting of the unemployed

The well-liked will request the looks of Vice President Yolanda Díaz y Gamarra to “lie” and “make up” the unemployment figures The PP says that the events are “accomplices” for not presenting their very own investigation fee on Tito Berni: “We will help” PP assures that it’s incompatible to defend feminism with stopping a fee of investigation into the Mediator case

The Popular Party will request the looks of Vice President Yolanda Díaz to clarify the figures of discontinuous mounted after the Government has surfaced a “hidden unemployment” of 443,078 staff and that aren’t mirrored in official statistics.

The well-liked ones demand to alter the unemployment information accounting system in order that the discontinuous mounted ones are contemplated. “Obviously their state of affairs is that of job seekers,” the final secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, assured at a press convention. If the Government doesn’t meet this demand, the favored ones decide to implement it in the event that they handle to achieve La Moncloa.

“Of course, the way in which of counting the unemployed should be modified, particularly after the modification of the labor reform that leads tons of of 1000’s of people that have been beforehand counted as short-term and who have been a part of unemployment statistics”, promised the quantity two of the PP.

The well-liked ones keep in mind that they’ve been denouncing for months that the numbers of discontinuous landlines have been “dressing up” and making an attempt to “cover”.

“We are being lied to. The actuality of just about half 1,000,000 staff excluded from registered unemployment is being hidden from us. It is extraordinarily severe,” Gamarra harassed whereas stating that 40% don’t obtain any advantages.

Pressure teams to create an investigation fee for the Mediator case

The Popular Party doesn’t intend to launch the bone of the Mediator case renamed by the favored as “Tito Berni case.” Now they’re placing stress on the remainder of the parliamentary teams to help the fee of inquiry that they registered a couple of days in the past or, if that’s not attainable, they’ll current their very own. “We will help it,” the final secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, has pledged.

Next week the Congress of Deputies must resolve whether or not to offer the inexperienced mild to that investigation fee. The well-liked perceive that the teams will likely be “accomplices” and as accountable because the PSOE on this case of corruption.

“According to the PSOE there isn’t a case however in fact there’s a case. What they’re doing is imposing silence in order to not settle obligations and canopy up what occurred,” hammered the quantity two of the PP. Gamarra considers that not supporting an investigation fee “that has to do with prostituted ladies” is “incompatible” with feminism.

In this sense, the PP has confirmed that it’ll attend the 8M demonstration in Madrid towards the trans regulation with Carmen Navarro, answerable for social insurance policies within the celebration management, in addition to deputies and senators.