The European Parliament urges Calviño by letter to facilitate the mission to manage EU funds and makes leaks ugly

The president of the European Parliamentary Committee on Budgetary Control has urged Calviño to facilitate the mission to manage the spending of funds from the European Union “It is stunning that the letter was launched to the press very shortly after I obtained it,” he says The MEP has additionally requested the help of the minister to “facilitate” a gathering, which “sadly” has not but materialized

The president of the European Parliamentary Committee on Budgetary Control, the German Monika Hohlmeier, has urged by letter the First Vice President and Minister of Economic Affairs, Nadia Calviño, to facilitate the mission to manage the spending of funds from the European Union (EU) that He will go to Madrid from February 20 to 22, on the similar time that he has been made ugly by having leaked one other letter that the minister despatched him on the thirteenth.

“It is stunning that the letter was launched to the press very quickly after I obtained it and earlier than the members of the Commission and myself had the chance to take good word of its content material,” says the MEP in a critique. letter despatched on Wednesday.

The MEP’s reprimand responds to a primary letter despatched by Calviño by which the vice chairman careworn that “the deployment of the Recovery Plan is topic to the best audit and management requirements” whereas reviewing a few of the important investments within the plan and provided “full help and cooperation” of the Spanish authorities with the parliamentary mission.

“I’m positive that he didn’t intend to anticipate the conclusions of the mission earlier than it has begun,” Hohlmeier added in his response this Thursday, by which he additionally requested the help of the minister to “facilitate” a gathering, which ” sadly” has not but materialized, with the previous director common in command of implementing the Spanish restoration plan in 2021, Rocío Frutos, who was dismissed final October and who was changed by Jorge Fabra.

The goal of the mission of the Budgetary Control fee is to guage the applying of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan of Spain, together with the milestones and goals and, particularly, the established administration, audit and management programs.

Income of 31,000 million euros

The delegation visiting Spain -the first nation to obtain a fee in 2021 and which has already obtained 31,000 million euros- from February 20 to 22 will probably be made up of 10 MEPs, members of varied political teams, six of whom are connected to the Committee on Budgetary Control of the European Parliament.

Specifically, along with Monika Hohlmeier, who leads the delegation, a bunch of MEPs is touring, principally Spanish: Isabel Benjumea (PP), Isabel García Muñoz and Eider Gardiazábal (PSOE), Eva María Poptcheva and Susana Solís (Cs), Ernest Urtasun (En Comú Podem) and Jorge Buxadé (Vox).

The deliberate agenda consists of, along with the assembly with Calviño, conferences with the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, and the Minister of Social Security, José Luis Escrivá, in addition to with these answerable for the Recovery Plan, the audit and anti-fraud workplaces , with regional councilors from Andalusia, Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Extremadura and Aragón and with completely different enterprise organizations, unions, banks and specialised journalists.

The Committee on Budgetary Control, made up of 30 MEPs, is likely one of the 20 everlasting committees of the European Parliament and its job is to watch how the price range of the European Union has been spent and to formulate proposals to enhance its administration.