The Electoral Board excludes Majarenas from the listing for being disqualified

The affiliation Dignidad y Justicia had requested the annulment of Majarenas’ candidacy The National Court has verified that the previous member of the ETA Levante commando Sara Majarenas continues to be disqualified till April 6, 2028 The Board’s determination will be appealed by way of administrative litigation in inside two days

The Electoral Board of the San Sebastián Zone has excluded Sara Majarenas from the EH Bildu listing in Astigarraga (Gipuzkoa), through which she was ranked tenth, as a result of she continues to be disabled, associated sources have confirmed to EFE with the case.

The Dignity and Justice affiliation had requested the annulment of Majarenas’ candidacy on the grounds that the 10-year disqualification sentence imposed on him won’t be served till 2028, which constitutes a reason for ineligibility.

The National Court has verified that the previous member of the ETA Levante commando Sara Majarenas continues to be disabled till April 6, 2028 and has knowledgeable the Prosecutor’s Office of this, which in flip has communicated it to the Electoral Board.

emergency assembly

The settlement of the Electoral Board, which has met urgently this afternoon, relies on article 6.2 of the Organic Law of the Electoral Regime (LOREG), to which Dignity and Justice alluded in its letter.

This article gives that “these convicted by sentence, even when not remaining, for crimes of riot, terrorism, in opposition to the Public Administration or in opposition to State Institutions are ineligible when it has established the penalty of absolute or particular disqualification or suspension for employment or public workplace beneath the phrases offered for in legal legislation”.

The Board’s determination will be appealed by way of contentious-administrative channels inside two days, the aforementioned sources have reported.

The Board has thus taken under consideration the request of Dignity and Justice and the factors of the National Court, which had verified that the previous member of ETA’s Levante commando continues to be disabled till April 6, 2028.


In reality, in response to authorized sources, Majarenas obtained notification this morning that his disqualification sentence ends in 5 years.

A state of affairs that the affected particular person herself was unaware of, in response to the assertion issued early this afternoon by EH Bildu, which said that “past the truth that the Astigarraga resident Sara Majarenas was unaware of the acute of this ‘absolute disqualification’ for the passive suffrage”, it was the Electoral Board that proclaimed the candidacy with out “appreciating any irregularity ex officio”.

The abertzale formation has harassed that the listing “was not denounced by any consultant of different candidacies.”
