The beneficiary of Laura Borràs’s contracts incriminates her and confesses that they agreed to divide the works

During the interrogation of the prosecutor this Monday, Isaías H. has answered affirmatively when she has requested him if he agreed with Borràs on a “covert contract that he would develop 12 months by 12 months and accommodate the pc wants of the establishment.”

He has detailed that he offered the price range for his work, which he knew can be accepted, accompanied by two “comparsa budgets” that he knew can be rejected.

The president of Junts per Catalunya and former president of Parliament, Laura Borrás, will declare on the finish of the trial that the TSJC has determined to carry in opposition to her. Borràs’s protection requested the suspension of the listening to alleging “defencelessness”, however the magistrates rejected their request as a result of they don’t think about that the adjustments that the Prosecutor’s Office has added on the final minute to their indictment are “important” or make Borràs defenseless. Yes, she has been allowed to testify on the finish of the trial.