SOS in order that the Virgin of Chamorro de Ferrol doesn’t turn into a brand new Ecce Homo

The Association for the Defense of Cultural Heritage has despatched a letter to the XuntaLo does after studying that the non secular carving goes to bear a restoration shortly. They ask that the picture be handled by consultants to keep away from a brand new Ecce Homo

“SOS Virgin of Chamorro”. Thus begins the assertion that the Association for the Defense of Galician Cultural Heritage (Apatrigal) has made public after studying that this non secular carving, from the seventeenth century and in non-public arms, goes to bear an imminent restoration.

From this affiliation they believe that this intervention will not be going to be carried out by an skilled restorer and, subsequently, they’ve despatched a letter to the Xunta to convey their concern.

They worry that these works will flip this virgin, a logo of the folks of Ferrol, into a creative catastrophe like Borja’s Ecce Homo (Zaragoza). “It will not be lawful (or authorized) to proceed to change the picture by folks with out a diploma in restoration,” they state within the notice.

Protected by Heritage

This affiliation discovered that the picture of medieval origin was going to bear a “facial cleansing” via an interview that its proprietor, Araceli Arias, gave to La Voz de Galicia and that was revealed this Wednesday.

Apatrigal doesn’t doubt the nice intentions of the proprietor of the picture, however insists that one of these work should be supervised and directed by consultants and should be carried out underneath the supervision of the General Directorate of Heritage.

“Any intervention work should respect its authenticity, totally sustaining the preliminary configuration of its creator, and solely restoring its preliminary splendor,” they are saying.

It has already undergone a number of ‘touch-ups’

The reality is that the Virgin of Chamorro has already suffered a number of ‘aesthetic touches’ all through historical past as a result of deterioration of the carving and a fireplace within the chapel. The final restoration was completed within the 90s.

“Having a property title to a patrimonial asset doesn’t give the appropriate to change its patrimonial worth, whose custody resides within the Galician folks, via public establishments,” says Apatrigal in his assertion.

The Ferrol City Council has additionally contacted Heritage after studying the information. “I’ve simply despatched the knowledge transferred by Apatrigal and the Ferrolterra Antiga Cultural Association to the final director of Heritage for her information and, the place applicable, to behave within the applicable method,” mentioned Eva Martínez on her Twitter account on Thursday. Councilor for Social Welfare and Historical Heritage.

I’ve simply despatched the final director of Heritage to data transferred to you by @apatrigal and @FerrolAntiga about Virxe de Chamorro for her information and, if not, act accordingly. Greetings.

— Eva Martínez Montero (@EvaMFerrol) January 19, 2023

The Virgin of Chamorro is a picture for which there’s quite a lot of devotion not solely in Ferrol, however in your entire Ferrolterra area. Every spring, 1000’s of pilgrims make a pilgrimage to the hermitage the place it’s positioned. This chapel, positioned within the parish of Serantes, is a spot of personal worship.

This virgin made headlines in April 2022, just a few days after going out in procession on Easter Monday, as a result of her jewellery was stolen. Those gold ornaments, valued at about 3,000 euros and which had been donated by parishioners, haven’t but appeared.

Posted by Asociación para a defensa do Patrimonio Cultural Galego on Wednesday, January 18, 2023″,”id”:” intervention work should respect its authenticity, totally sustaining the preliminary configuration of its creator, and solely restoring its preliminary splendor”, they guarantee .”,”kind”:”paragraph”},{“content material”:”Already underwent a number of ‘tweaks'”,”kind”:”h3″,”serializerClassName”:”BitbanBBNXMediasetModelsWebTripleA ObjectsContentBodyContentBodyH3″},{“content material”:”The reality is that the Virgin of Chamorro has already suffered a number of ‘aesthetic touches’ all through historical past as a result of deterioration of the carving itself and for a fireplace that suffered the chapel. The final restoration was completed within the Nineteen Nineties. “,”kind”:”paragraph”},{“content material”:”“Having a property title to a patrimonial asset doesn’t give the appropriate to change its patrimonial worth, whose custody resides within the Galician folks, via public establishments”, says Apatrigal in his assertion. “,”kind”:”paragraph”},{“content material”:”Ferrol City Council has additionally contacted Heritage after listening to the information. “I’ve simply despatched the knowledge transferred by Apatrigal and the Ferrolterra Antiga Cultural Association to the final director of Heritage for her information and, the place applicable, to behave within the applicable method,” mentioned Eva Martínez on her Twitter account on Thursday. Councilor for Social Welfare and Historical Heritage. “,”kind”:”paragraph”},{“embedbtn”:”twitter”,”content material”:”

I’ve simply despatched the final director of Heritage to data transferred to you by @apatrigal and @FerrolAntiga about Virxe de Chamorro for her information and, if not, act accordingly. Greetings.

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