Reykjavik Global Forum: President Bhandari meets a number of leaders in Iceland

President Bidya Devi Bhandari receives WPL Trailblazer Award 2022 at the Reykjavik Global Forum – Women Leaders, on November 9, 2022.
President Bidya Devi Bhandari receives WPL Trailblazer Award 2022 on the Reykjavik Global Forum – Women Leaders, on November 9, 2022.

Kathmandu, November 10

Various officers and leaders from the world over referred to as on President Bidya Devi Bhandari on the sidelines of the Reykjavik Global Forum – Women Leaders in Reykjavik in Iceland on Wednesday.

Icelandic Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir referred to as on the president yesterday, and the 2 leaders mentioned issues of additional strengthening bilateral relations and exchanging potential cooperation in areas akin to geothermal vitality know-how, local weather change, tourism and sharing of expertise within the areas of girls and gender empowerment, the Embassy of Nepal in Copenhagen, Denmark states in a press launch.

Also on the sidelines, the UN Women Executive Director Sima Bahous referred to as on President Bhandari and appreciated the progress made by Nepal in ladies’s political empowerment and SDG indicators. Separately, Silvana-Koch Mehrin, the president and founding father of Women Political Leaders, and Laura Liswood, the secretary common of the Council of Women World Leaders, additionally referred to as on the president and mentioned numerous experiences and points associated to gender, improvement and local weather change.

Earlier on Wednesday, President Bhandari acquired WPL Trailblazer Award 2022 on the Reykjavik Global Forum – Women Leaders.

President Bhandari left Nepal to attend the occasion on Monday. She is returning residence on Saturday.