Queen Sofía and Minister Bolaños say goodbye to Benedict XVI within the Basilica of San Pedro

Upon arrival on the basilica, at 6:00 p.m., the official entourage expressed their condolences to Monsignor Georg GaensweinThe Queen, the minister and the ambassador remained for about fifteen minutes in entrance of the catafalque that homes the pope emeritusMinutes earlier than the arrival of the Reina, the minister and the ambassador, Cardinal Juan José Omella had been current

Queen Sofía, the Minister of the Presidency Enrique Bolaños and the Spanish ambassador to the Holy See, Isabel Celáa have gone to the Basilica of San Pedro this Wednesday afternoon to pay homage to the emeritus Pope Benedict XVI, exhibited earlier than the devoted, within the eve of the funeral that may happen tomorrow, Thursday, January 5.

Upon arrival on the basilica, at 6:00 p.m., the official entourage expressed their condolences to Monsignor Georg Gaenswein, who for 25 years was Joseph Ratzinger’s private secretary.

The Queen, the minister and the ambassador have remained for about fifteen minutes in entrance of the catafalque that homes the Pope emeritus, who died on December 31 on the age of 95.

After a couple of minutes in silence, they attended the prayer of a quick response, officiated by Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, vicar of the Pope for Vatican City and archpriest of Saint Peter’s Basilica. Subsequently, they greeted the authorities current.

Doña Sofía and Minister Bolaños go to the funeral chapel of Benedicto XVIefem056

Minutes earlier than the arrival of the Queen, the minister and the ambassador, Cardinal Juan José Omella, archbishop of Barcelona and president of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, had been current.