Podemos asks the PSOE to not block the repeal of the crime of spiritual offenses after the imputation of TV3 comedians

The Investigating Court 5 of Sant Feliu de Llobregat (Barcelona) has summoned on October 27 to declare the 2 presenters and the actress as defendants. The decide summons them at 9:30 am in courtroom to take their assertion as being investigated on this case In one other order , the decide has accepted the looks as standard accusation of the Spanish Foundation of Christian Lawyers

Podemos has requested the PSOE to “cease blocking” the legislation that the purple formation proposed in Congress on the repeal of the crime of offense towards non secular emotions after studying that the presenters Toni Soler and Jair Domínguez have been referred to as to testify as defendants and the actress Judit Martín for the ‘gag’ of the TV3 program ‘Està Passant’ that parodied the Virgen del Rocío.

In a message written on social networks, the Minister of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda, Ione Belarra, has indicated that since 2021, United We Can proposed in Congress to repeal this crime, amongst others that violate freedom of expression. “Just what they’re attempting to impute to TV3 comedians immediately,” she added. Thus, she has urged the PSOE to “cease blocking the legislation.”

The Investigating Court 5 of Sant Feliu de Llobregat (Barcelona) has summoned on October 27 to declare the 2 presenters and the actress as defendants for broadcasting a parody of the Virgen del Rocío.

In 2021 from Unidas Podemos we proposed in Congress to repeal the crime of offense towards non secular sentiments, amongst others that violate freedom of expression. Exactly what they’re attempting to impute to the comedians of TV3 immediately. I ask the PSOE to cease blocking the legislation. https://t.co/8Zsjuqz1Wy

— Ione Belarra (@ionebelarra) May 24, 2023

In an order consulted by Europa Press this Friday, the decide summons them at 9:30 a.m. in courtroom to take their assertion as being investigated on this case for an alleged crime towards the Constitution, which incorporates derision.

In one other order, the decide has accepted the looks as standard accusation of the Spanish Foundation of Christian Lawyers, which filed the grievance that initiated the case.
