Demonstration in Barcelona in opposition to the growth of the airport, the Hard Rock and the fourth belt

Several entities known as the demonstration in opposition to the tasks included within the new Generalitat budgets. The organizers have assured that “the Generalitat’s macro-projects solely wish to destroy the territory and profit sure speculators” According to the Urban Police, 1,800 individuals have attended the protests within the streets of barcelona

Almost 100 entities and platforms for the protection of the territory joined the demonstration known as by Zeroport, Aturem Hard Rock and Campanya in opposition to the 4t Cinturó and this Saturday, beginning at 6:30 p.m., they staged an enormous protest in opposition to the Hark Rock, the B-40 and the airport growth. Projects included within the new Generalitat budgets.

The demonstration started at 6:30 p.m. in Plaça de Catalunya, the place 100 individuals have gathered.

The organizers and conveners of the protest have addressed the media and have assured that the “macro-project of the Generalitat solely needs to destroy the territory and profit sure speculators and large businessmen.” And they add that they’re working for “a land administration mannequin that respects nature and biodiversity.”

Under the slogan “We defend the land, we construct the longer term”, the protest has headed in the direction of Fontanella road, has superior alongside Vía Laietana, the place a banner “in protection of the land and the longer term” has been displayed, ending within the Plaça de Sant Jaume.

Support in the remainder of the Catalan territory

In addition, a number of factors in Catalonia have joined the protest. They have accomplished so in Llinars del Vallés, El Prat del Llobregat, Delta de l’Ebre, l’Anoia and Roses, amongst others. Barcelona en Comú has additionally supported the protest.

According to the Urban Guard, 1,800 individuals have attended the demonstration in Barcelona. For their half, the organizers estimate the quantity of people that have demonstrated at 10,000.