23J: Más Madrid will maintain positions 3, 4, 7 and 10 of the electoral checklist for Madrid of ‘Sumar’

Más Madrid will maintain positions 3, 4, 7 and 10 on the electoral checklist for the Madrid constituency below the title ‘Sumar’, in response to the settlement reached for the overall elections on July 23.

Thus, the title of the electoral coalition shall be Sumar, a reputation that shall be used on posters and different marketing campaign materials. The initials of the coalition shall be Sumar and the emblem that may seem on the electoral poll would be the face of Yolanda Díaz, Más Madrid reported in an announcement.

Regarding this system, the signatory events subscribe to the political settlement drawn up because the political foundation of the coalition in order that Sumar has a fundamental program. A marketing campaign handle similar to Madrid is established through which Más Madrid will maintain the handle in a collegiate method with Movimiento Sumar.