Festivals of Nepal – Shree Krishna Janmashtami

The Birth of Lord Krishna

The world was in turbulence and mother Earth was ruled by darkness and evil. While she was not able to bear the sins on her soil, she plead to vanish evil with the creator of the Universe- Lord Brahma in the form of a cow. Lord Brahma then took her to Lord Vishnu who made sure that he would take form in the Yadu Dynasty to remove the evil form the earth.

Lord Vishnu then formed his eighth avatar or ‘incarnation’ – Lord Krishna

The King of Mathura– Kansa was a cruel king. Kansa was also the maternal uncle of Lord Krishna. It was envisioned that the child of his sister Devaki will vanquish Kansa. Infuriate and terrified, Kansa killed each and every child of Devaki. Krishna was the eighth child of Devaki who was successfully smuggled outside the palace and was given to his foster parents – Nanda and Yashoda Maiya. Krishna was exchanged with the younger child of Nanda and Yashoda, and killed by Kansa. The infant while ascending to the heaven, transformed into a goddess and informed Kansa that he will be defeated soon.

Years later, the personification of cruelty and evil -Kansa, was killed by Krishna. 


According to Bhagavad Gita Krishna says, “ Whenever there is predominance of evil over virtuous, I will reincarnate again and again to end the evil and save the virtuous. Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated to promote victory of virtuous over devil.


Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated by Hindu religion all over the world. Devotees observe fasting till midnight since Krishna was born in midnight. Krishna Janmashtami is also known as ‘Srikrishna Jayanti’, ‘Krishnashtami’, ‘Shree Jayanthi’ and ‘Ashtami Rohini’. On the auspicious occasion, people enchant Slokas from the “Bhagwat Gita” and enjoy reciting bhajans and kirtan. The temples of Lord Krishna are decorated beautifully. On Krishna Janmashtami the ancient Krishna temple in old Patan Durbar Square is flocked by devotees. Devotees stay vigilant to observe the glorious night of his birth. Even during the night, Krishna Mandir is thronged by a large number of devotees to pay homage beyond mid-night.

Hurdles of devotees can be observed humming and clapping their hands singing ancient hymns. Womens chant many names of Lord Krishna as ,’Narayan, Narayan’ and Gopal, Gopal’. Crowds slowly and gradually edge their way to where the main idol stands. Devotees offer coins, flowers and prasad and wait to get the glimpse of Krishna Janmastami. After the devotees are offered with prasad they make their way back to home.