Taking revenge from Morang 3 Bhanubhakta, Sunil Sharma of Congress received, Rekha Thapa third

10 November, Kathmandu. Nepali Congress candidate Dr. Shunil Sharma has received in Morang House of Representatives Constituency No. 3. He was elected by defeating the UML candidate Bhanubhakta Dhakal by a large margin.

It was Dhakal who defeated Dr. Sharma within the 2074 election. This time Dr. Sharma took revenge by defeating Dhakal with an enormous margin. Sharma is the director of Nobel Medical College Biratnagar.

Sharma received 48 thousand 631 votes. Dhakal received solely 25 thousand 895 votes. Rekha Thapa, who grew to become a candidate from RPP, received 10 thousand 988 votes and was restricted to the third place.

Similarly, Vikas Upreti of Rashtriya Swatantra Party received 3172 votes, Bikendra Rai of Mongol National Organization received 1520 votes.

Man Bahadur Limbu of Congress has been elected in State Assembly 3(1). He received 19 thousand 749 votes. UML candidate Dilip Rai received 14 thousand 817 votes.

UML’s Gyanendra Subedi has been elected in 3(2) of Morang. He defeated Laxmikumar Shrestha of United Samawadi. Subedi received 17 thousand 728 votes. Shrestha has obtained 15 thousand 358 votes.