Convento Jerusalén wins the primary prize of the youngsters’s fallas of the Special Section 2023

The Convento Jerusalén-Matemàtic Marzal fee has gained the primary prize within the Children’s Section of the 2023 fallas, with a monument by José Gallego.

The motto of the falla is ‘TRI’, which alludes to the third month of the yr through which the festivities are celebrated and proposes ‘three fallas in a single’, which take a look at the previous, current and future.

The older baby fallera of the successful falla, Chloe Calatrava, obtained the information “with nice emotion”. “It has been unforgettable and we’re going to have a good time it by shouting rather a lot and celebrating rather a lot,” the little woman commented minutes after studying the jury’s choice.

Duc de Gaeta and Gayano Lluch on the rostrum

The second prize has been for Duc de Gaeta-La Pobla de Farnals, with the fault of the artist Mario Pérez, and the third place for Gayano Lluch (Sergio Alcañiz).

This has been introduced by the Councilor for Festive Culture and President of Junta Central Fallera (JCF), Carlos Galiana.

The checklist of honors within the particular part is accomplished in fourth place by Espartero-Ramón y Cajal (Fernando Foix), in fifth place by Mestre Gozalbo-Comte d’Altea (Sergio Amar Medina), sixth in Exposició-Misser Mascó (Xavier Gurrea Belenguer), in seventh Reina Prize -Pau-Sant Vicent (Ceballos & Sanabria), in eighth Malva-Rosa-Antoni Ponz-Cavite (José Luis Platero Cosi), ninth Ciscar-Borriana (Bernardo Estela Parra), tenth Llanterna-Na l’Oest (Carlos Borrás Cabo) and eleventh Comte de Salvatierra-Ciril Amorós (Javier Álvarez Sala-Salinas).

As for the prizes for wit and style within the Special Section, the primary one went to Duc de Gaeta-La Pobla de Farnals (Mario Pérez Sánchez). Second prize has additionally gone to Convento Jerusalén and Espartero-Ramón y Cajal (Fernando Foix) has gained third.

The first prize for experimental kids’s fallas went to Borrull-Socors (Didac Ballester), the second to Castielfabib-Marqués de Sant Joan (Reyes Pe) and the third to Jesús Morante Borrás-Caminot La Punta (Ricard Balanzà Martínez). They are adopted by Arbre, pl. (Miguel Hache) and Ripalda-Charity-Sant Ramon (Julia Navarro Coll).

The Caliu prizes have been distributed as follows: 1st Prize for the Falla 80 Ripalda-Charity-Sant Ramon (Julia Navarro Coll); 2nd Malilla-Illa Cabrera (Pam de Nas), third Pius XII-Jaume Roig (Santiago Parrado Dobón), 4th Palleter-Erudit Orellana (José Luis Platero Cosí) and fifth Falla 89 Sant Vicent-Azzati Journalist (Rubén Arcos Martí).

First Section

Likewise, the prizes of the First Section have been as follows: 1st Joaquim Costa-Comte d’Altea (Mario Pérez), 2nd Santa Genoveva Torres-Arquitecte Tolsà (Mario Pérez Sánchez), third Serrans-Els Furs, pl. (David Ojeda Amorós), 4th Archbishop Olaechea-Sant Marcel lí (Raúl García Pertusa), fifth Bisbe Amigó-Conca (Gonzalo Gabriel Rojas Rodríguez), sixth Ceramicist Ros-Josep Maria Mortes Lerma (Miriam García Sandemetrio), seventh Pilar, pl . (Borja Llorens), eighth Camí Nou de Picanya-Nicolau Primitiu (José Vicente Zurita), ninth Almirall Cadarso-Comte d’Altea (Enric Ginestar Morán), tenth Sant Josep de la Muntanya-Terol (José Fuster García), eleventh Molinell- Alboraia (Carlos Herrero Muria) and twelfth Barri Beteró (Sergio Gómez Ferrer).